Jeff Gaydash (b. 1972, United States)


Bachelor of Fine Arts - Photography, College For Creative Studies, Detroit, Michigan, 1995


2013 PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris - Silver Award, Professional Fine Art, Architecture

2012 International Fine Art, Grand Prix de la Découverte - Juror Award of Merit, Landscape/Seascape/Nature

2012 International Fine Art, Grand Prix de la Découverte - Juror Award of Merit, Cityscape/Architecture

2012 IPA Awards - Honorable Mentions in Fine Art, Architecture, Nature and Night Photography

2011 International Photography Awards - 1st Place, 'One Shot: The Landscape' Competition

2011 International Photography Awards - 2nd Place, Architecture: Industrial

2011 IPA Awards - Honorable Mentions in Fine Art, Architecture and Nature

2011 PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris - Silver Award, Nature

2011 PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris - Silver Award, Fine Art

2011 PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris - PX3 Official Selection, Fine Art


May 2024 - Re/View: A CCS Alumni Exhibition, Detroit, Michigan

November 2019 - May 2020 - Solo Exhibition: Michigan’s Great Lakes, The Detroit Institiute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan

March 2018 - The Great Within: 19th Century Photographs of India, Sotheby’s, New York

January 2014 - Photo LA, Los Angeles, California

December 2011 - Compelling Realities, Studio Couture, Detroit, Michigan

June 2011 - All That Matters To Me, The Screw Factory, Lakewood, Ohio

July 2010 - AuSable Artisan Village Gallery, Grayling, Michigan

September 2010 - Exposure.Detroit Exhibition, Royal Oak, Michigan


Shoutout Michigan - Meet Jeff Gaydash | Fine Art Photographer & Printmaker, March 2024

Detroit Art Review - Michigan’s Great Lakes at the DIA, February 2020

The Oakland Press - Photographer Radiates Chilling Tranquility in DIA Exhibit, January 2020

The Detroit News - Haunting B&W Elegance: Michigan’s Great Lakes, January 2020

The Metropolitan - Jeff Gaydash | The World In Grayscale, June 2018

Slices of Silence: A Conversation with Jeff Gaydash, October 2016

Kozu Vol. 1, March 2014 -

The Metropolitan Detroit, Cover, vol. 04 no. 3, March 2012

The D-Photo, Beautiful Black & White Photography by Jeff Gaydash, January 2012

The Metropolitan Detroit, Cover and Feature Article, vol. 03 no. 3, March 2011, Interview, Jeff Gaydash in the Spotlight, October 2011